Friday, August 5, 2011

Be True To Yourself

Life is a beautiful thing. Everything we do, and each and every person we meet plays a part in shaping who we are. Every single day is a chance to do something extraordinary and memorable. Every hour is a chance to live and reach our potential. The Gospel of Jesus Christ reveals to us the purpose of this amazing privilege and opportunity.
There are many things in life that can make us happy. Happiness can give us temporary freedom or it can last a lifetime.  In the Dictionary the definition for happiness is A: a state of well being and contentment. B: a pleasurable or satisfying experience. Happiness can be either of these things in our lives. Joy on the other hand is something better than happiness. It is something more powerful and everlasting. It is pure happiness and It can only be attained by real and true accomplishments.
The world's view of happiness is being ahead of the rest. How many material things we can attain. How much euphoria can we feel. True and everlasting happiness and joy can be found as we break free of worldly cares and thoughts. Break free of the world's illusions and truly allow ourselves to be "Ourselves". As we live the Gospel of Jesus Christ we find who we really are. We break free of the worldly chains that bind us down and trick us into thinking that those things make up our identity, as we come closer to our Heavenly Father and live the Gospel.
Ride the wings of the gospel. Be true to yourself and your Identity. Don't sell yourself out or settle for less than you deserve. Faith in Jesus Christ offers us freedom. We can find ourselves by finding him. I am grateful for the person I am today as I have strived to deepen my faith in Jesus Christ. I know the Book of Mormon gives us a guide to live our lives to the fullest and deepens our faith in Jesus Christ. I love and cherish this gospel. It has changed my life.

With love,

Elder Gardner

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