Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rioting for Peace and Love?

The world is a beautiful place. Besides the wondrous scenery that is painted across our planet, another source of beauty is found in human nature. Human relationships enlighten our lives and give meaning to a sometimes futile life. Our world without relationships would be a sad, desolate place. With that said relationships are often the cause to much turmoil in our life.
With a world of great diversity there many different beliefs and cultures. The world is a grand place with beauty of many different kinds. The sad thing is that sometimes we cannot accept certain kinds of beauty. We allow negative thoughts to enter in our mind about others. We choose to disagree when it would be much easier to simply agree. Wars have plagued our planet for hundreds of years because we cannot choose to smother the flames of our pride and settle our differences. What do we do to put an end to these feelings and add an abundance of Love and Respect for one another to this world? Jesus Christ said "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." (John 13:34) Charity. The highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection; the pure love of Christ. It is never used to denote alms or deeds of benevolence, although it may be a prompting motive. Love is shown through example and actions. Love is often the solution people all over the world think will solve our problems. What is love really? How do we apply it? In the bible dictionary under "Charity" it says" Charity. The highest, noblest, strongest kind of love, not merely affection." When we give of our selves selflessly to others we gain love or understanding for them. When we are giving aid to others we are showing that we genuinely care about them and want to help them. When disasters strike all over the world we see that we often show our concerns for the people affeced by being there for them and helping them. We may not completely understand what they are going through but we are showing our "Love" for them by "Charity".
Much of what we see in the World today is reaction and retaliation to things we don't believe or agree with. Love is never built through retaliation. Love is never shown by exchanging or reciprocating our lack of understanding with actions that are similar to what angered us in the first place. We continually find ourselves running in a circle fighting a fight that never ends. Riots continually rage throughout the world every day and are caused by mostly by people with a lack of understanding and a mi optic view of "Love and Peace".
Jesus Christ gives us an example to look to in our lives. He brought us a message of Forgiveness and Hope. We need to be an example and a light to others. Instead of retaliating we must forgive, and have hope. We must strive to better ourselves before we can expect to change the world. Ghandi said “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
I am not a perfect person nor will I ever be. I am a Christian and do believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ softens hearts, helps us love one another and makes the world a better place. I am grateful for the things Jesus Christ taught and hope to live my life the best I can loving others. I hope that by my understanding of Love and Peace I can be a ray of light to help this world. I believe in Love and Peace. I believe in Christ.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jesus Christ Changed My Life

I am 21 years old. I am a simple man. About as simple as they come. I have always been somewhat in tune with spiritual things. From music to nature to relationships. I have always felt in tune with my surroundings and emotions. I grew up in a family who lived and taught the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ the best we could. We weren't the perfect family but then again there isn't really a perfect family. At a very young age I can remember sitting in my room and just feeling that I had a purpose in this life and just knowing that I was from God. I remember when I was 8 years old being baptized and knowing that Jesus Christ was real. I remember seeing my older brother leave for a mission. I remember wanting to be just like him and I looked up to him so much for that decision.
Throughout the years trials and problems came. My parents made the decision to split up when I was 12 years old. At this point the gospel was almost vacant in my home for the problems of life became more of a focus than the gospel. I refused to let anybody know that I was hurt or effected by the divorce of my parents although deep down I obviously was. Years went by and I got used to the new way of life. The gospel became less of a priority in my life until it was literally vacant in my life. I as a teenager didn't see the need or want for "Religion" in my life. I began to develop worldly views about certain things and very rarely thought about my own relationship with God if there even was one. All around me in my extended family, friends and acquaintances I saw families who looked so happy. They were in the church and lived the gospel in their homes. I hardened my heart and developed a cynical mind toward those people and even to a degree toward who I once thought was God. I didn't understand why I couldn't have that. All through High school I felt this way. I was envious and embarrassed about my circumstances. I never felt good enough. I was bitter and turned to other things in my life.
When I graduated High school life changed a little bit for me. I had a few very good friends leave on missions. I respected their decisions but felt that It wasn't for me and I didn't think that was a very smart thing to be doing at that point in our lives. My circle of friends began to change. Some relationships in my life were ruined because of choices I was making. Each and every night when I went to bed I felt empty and fearful. I felt alone and I was filled with scared thoughts about my future and about the way I was living. I felt pure regret each and everyday about things I was doing and I was in pain in my heart. I hit a rock bottom in my life. Relationships were ruined. Morals and standards I once had were then compromised to fit the worlds views. I was resorting to things to clear my mind temporarily that never really gave me any lasting feelings of peace or happiness, They only delayed those feelings. I dropped out of my first couple years of college. I was caught up in material things and never thought I was good enough. I compared myself to others in order to feel like I was something. I even put my life at risk along with others because of my decisions.
I remember a couple of nights where I couldn't sleep. I felt some of the most negative feelings of my life. For the first time in many years I turned to God for help. I remember getting on my knees and praying to help me feel peace and to help free me of these negative thoughts and burdens. A couple days later I was Christmas shopping and found myself going into a Deseret Book. I began looking at the CTR rings. Next thing I knew for some reason I was buying a ring. I felt a little more self respect as I wore that ring. A few days later I was reading and learning about the earthquakes and all the devastation in Haiti. It broke my heart to see many people suffering from the Chaos. I felt embarrassed and selfish as I sat in the office chair at work, on a computer, while all of these people were suffering. I knew at that moment that I wanted to do something more than what I was doing in my life. I didn't know quite what that was yet..
I started going back to church after Christmas of 2009. I bought myself a suit and attended the same ward that I fell away from back in 2002. A lot was different. Many new faces filled the pews. As my desire was real attending church I began to feel feelings of love and peace. I began to feel a change within myself. I remember driving home from church and just feeling HAPPY. I just felt JOY. I think it was then that I knew I needed to serve a mission. I never thought it was possible for me because of my past. I never thought I could amount or that I was good enough. At that moment I understood and I knew that I would serve a mission.
My friends, hobbies, relationships all changed as I started preparing for my mission. My life was exciting and meaningful. I no more felt those feelings I did when I was outside the gospel. I felt Purpose and I felt FREE. In April of 2010 right before I received my mission call I was sitting in a pew at the priesthood session with my Father. We all rose as a congregation to sing and as soon as the words came out of my mouth I almost fell to my knees. I felt love, happiness, warmth and a vision of who I wanted to be. I felt the spirit and I knew this is what I wanted for my life. I just knew that God does know me. He does love me. Nothing else mattered at that moment.
At this point in my life I have been on my mission for 15 months. I cannot even begin to explain the things I have experienced or the JOY that I have felt on my mission. I cannot even believe the life that I have come from. But it doesn't matter. All that is behind is in the past. I know who I am now. I know what I deserve. I know that God loves us and I have seen miracles in my life and many others. I am not sure what is ahead but I know I can handle anything with Christ in my life. Christ has changed my life forever. I will never be the same. I know that Jesus Christ is real and we can change our lives through him.

Jesus Christ changed my life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rise Above Worldly Sorrow , Seek For The Heavens

One of my favorite poems is a poem written by William Ernest Henley called "Invictus" which is a Latin term for "Unconquerable". William Ernest Henley spent many years in trial and hardship. At the age of 12 William suffered from Tuberculosis of the bone which ended up causing the amputation of his left leg below the knee. He spent many years in the hospital where he wrote many of his inspiring poems including "Invictus". 

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Now the reason why I admire this man and this poem so much is the fact that this all represents Rising above our circumstances. Hope is something William Henley had throughout his life. Hope in something more for his life. Hope in something more than what he was given. The Gospel of Jesus Christ relies on Hope, Faith, and Charity. Without having the other two attributes Hope cannot be. (Moroni 10:20) I would like to think that William had to understand these things at a young age in his life because of his trials. 

"Hope is one leg of a three-legged stool, together with faith and charity. These three stabilize our lives regardless of the rough or uneven surfaces we might encounter at the time. The scriptures are clear and certain about the importance of hope. The Apostle Paul taught that the scriptures were written to the end that we “might have hope.” 1
Hope has the power to fill our lives with happiness. 2 Its absence—when this desire of our heart is delayed—can make “the heart sick.” 3 (Dieter F. Uchtdorf). 

 I am confident that we can rise above our trials, adversities and current circumstances in our life by having Hope. The Gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us to have hope in our lives each and everyday. The gospel helps us have a positive attitude and helps us see the light at the end of the tunnel even at the worst of times.
 Each and everyday we are saved by our hope.(Romans 8:24). Without hope in something more more our lives we are lost in an illusion of worldly view, cares, and opinions. It can be a scary hard place without hope in something more. I am not sure where William Henley's s inspiration came from but I feel confident in saying that he demonstrated Hope, Faith, and Charity. With the Gospel Of Jesus Christ we can learn to better do that in our lives each and everyday. I am certain that my life is more optimistic, sure, and positive as I've had this Gospel in my life.

 Jesus Christ suffered the Atonement for us so that we could have hope.( John 3:16) As we look to Jesus Christ in our lives he offers us hope. He offers us freedom. He offers us love. The Atonement of Christ is here for us today to better ourselves and overcome the world. I know Jesus Christ lives. I have felt the power of his Atonement immensely in my life. I know the Book of Mormon testifies of Christ and his atonement. I know the Gospel brings light to an other wise dark, unmerciful world with little or no certainty. The gospel brings certainty and it brings HOPE.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Leaving The Past Behind

In the chapter 21 of John we learn of Jesus Christ coming back after his resurrection and appearing to his disciples. He appears on the shore nearby where his disciples are fishing and he tells them to cast their nets to the right side of their boat. At this point they had been fishing for a whole day and night straight and hadn't caught anything. The moment they cast their net to the right their net was full. It was at that moment that Simon Peter recognized Jesus and jumped into the water to swim to shore and greeted him. Jesus was at the shore with fish and bread for them. Jesus then asked Peter three times If he loved him. Peter replied each time "yes". Jesus's reply to Peter each time was "Feed My Sheep".

This has become one of my favorite chapters in the New Testament. When Christ had finished his 3 year ministry on Earth the disciples were left behind. They were left to continue on in good for the rest of their lives. They weren't to just go back to normal and forget everything that had happened as they walked with Christ. They were to leave their nets behind forever. As a full time missionary the message this chapter gives is very meaningful for me. The day I decided to serve the Lord I decided to leave my old life behind. Not just for these 24 months that I have been called to serve a mission but for the rest of my life. When time finally comes for me to leave my mission and move on with my life,  I will move on as a "New creature in Christ". (2 Corinthians 5:17)  
I will never return to my past. That is the hope and brightness of the Atonement of Christ. The Atonement of Jesus Christ allows us to leave our past behind us and never look back. With the Atonement of Christ we are always focusing on the Future as opposed to what's behind us. I am grateful for the gospel in my life and the person I am and will be as I live the gospel. The gospel is hope and life. I know that as we leave our nets behind and commit to follow Jesus Christ and live the gospel we will be forever looking towards the future with hope, gratitude and confidence. I know as we enrich our lives with living the gospel we can be who we want to be and forever change. This is my testimony of Christ's Atonement and Gospel In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Elder Erich Gardner

Friday, August 5, 2011

Be True To Yourself

Life is a beautiful thing. Everything we do, and each and every person we meet plays a part in shaping who we are. Every single day is a chance to do something extraordinary and memorable. Every hour is a chance to live and reach our potential. The Gospel of Jesus Christ reveals to us the purpose of this amazing privilege and opportunity.
There are many things in life that can make us happy. Happiness can give us temporary freedom or it can last a lifetime.  In the Dictionary the definition for happiness is A: a state of well being and contentment. B: a pleasurable or satisfying experience. Happiness can be either of these things in our lives. Joy on the other hand is something better than happiness. It is something more powerful and everlasting. It is pure happiness and It can only be attained by real and true accomplishments.
The world's view of happiness is being ahead of the rest. How many material things we can attain. How much euphoria can we feel. True and everlasting happiness and joy can be found as we break free of worldly cares and thoughts. Break free of the world's illusions and truly allow ourselves to be "Ourselves". As we live the Gospel of Jesus Christ we find who we really are. We break free of the worldly chains that bind us down and trick us into thinking that those things make up our identity, as we come closer to our Heavenly Father and live the Gospel.
Ride the wings of the gospel. Be true to yourself and your Identity. Don't sell yourself out or settle for less than you deserve. Faith in Jesus Christ offers us freedom. We can find ourselves by finding him. I am grateful for the person I am today as I have strived to deepen my faith in Jesus Christ. I know the Book of Mormon gives us a guide to live our lives to the fullest and deepens our faith in Jesus Christ. I love and cherish this gospel. It has changed my life.

With love,

Elder Gardner